There was once an Alchemist who was famous for turning lead into gold.
A curious girl decided one day that she should see the alchemist and learn from him.
He joined a group of disciples who are learning from the alchemist.
All of which came from different parts of the country and thus there is no language that can unite them, and they cannot talk with each other.
There is a language they all understood, the one spoken by the Alchemist,But no matter how they try nobody can communicate using that language.
Everyday, she went to the house of the Alchemist to learn.
Within the lecture, She did not speak to anyone, except with the Alchemist.
The Alchemist was young, much younger that you can imagine, for he is just 7 years older than she.
And he has an infectious smile that always greeted her; He cheered and encourage her when she can't do anything that he taught her.
He would exchange witty jokes with her, and before she knew it.
She was deep in love with her Master.
But he didn't know. She couldn't let him know; She kept it all for herself.
And she was jealous when he is with any other woman. but she kept it all inside.
and before anybody notice, She has turned lead into gold.
And he felt she no longer needed him.
and he asked her not to attend his lessons anymore.
and she agreed so she wouldn't envy anyone again for she knows,
it was sinful to hate anyone that has done nothing wrong to her.
She wanted to hug him for the first and last time.
but her heart beated so fast and she turned away without any ado.
But she misses him.... even now...
but that was the end of the story.
A typical fairy tale ends in a happy ending. Do you want to know why? Because we want to believe in them, in happy endings.
So that the hope that is instilled into us grows, before real-life experiences destroy it.
So it will grow roots to hold itself against the storm.
but I give up.
Even though I still miss him...