Sunday, March 6, 2011

Closing a Book

Have you ever experienced finishing a book? As an avid reader, I can vividly re-live that feeling, that feeling of ending you fantasy. It is as if your life ends on that world. Oh! The feeling of Alice going back to reality after visiting wonderland; yes that’s it! For now, you shall consider me as Alice. Shall I call you Mad Hatter, or perhaps Absolem, the absolute? Yes, yes! You shall be Mad Hatter!

You see, in closing a book, whatever the genre is, the dominant feeling is Melancholia, the feeling of you bidding farewell to the world you chose to live in for a few minutes, hours, or even days.

After Melancholia, Nostalgia comes next, the feeling of reminiscing, the feeling of re-living every part of the story, and then milliseconds before you put down the book, Euphoria.

Why am I telling you this? Because I am apparently, closing a book right now. I am afraid to close this book. I am afraid of closing this book. I am afraid of leaving this wonderland I have been in. I am really, really scared, right now. I might have said farewell for quite a few times already, but I think this time, it might be true.

For the first time in a long time, I am relaying my frustrations to you. I just screwed up. I screwed my life and now, I, Alice, shall be leaving wonderland. I don’t know if someday, I might see you guys, again. Shall I ever see Mrs. Mctwisp again? How about Tweedle and Tweedlum? Oh! And Absolem, or Mad Hatter, Shall I see you guys again? Probably not

‘Cause a book has only one ending and Alice just woke up from her dream…

But Alice shall remember…

And the book has been printed on to last a lifetime…
It may lose some pages, but it is printed on forever…

And if ever I shall close this book anytime soon, no regrets. I know a new book will be published again, A sequel maybe. The characters might change but it is a new exciting book nonetheless.

But I will surely miss this particular book
and the characters within it…

I will surely miss you…

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